Texas Electricity Finder No Longer Promotes or Recommends True Power

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True Power

True Power: A "Ghost Provider"

True Power as a “Ghost Provider” because you’ll most likely be ghosted by them, literally. You’ll sign up, things will be going well, and then all of a sudden, you’ll never hear from them again. You’ll wake up one day and have a new provider. 

If you’re reading this, it’s mostly like because you’ve seen True Power with the cheapest plan on Power to Choose, and you’ve never heard of them. So, now you’re trying to find reviews and learn more about them. 

Here's What You Need to Know

They operate with a limited staff to keep their costs low, which in most cases is a great business practice, but they do this so they can offer low priced plans to secure a top spot on Power to Choose.

The problem? Being so small, they can’t effectively manage the risks associated with fluctuating energy prices. Once they’ve acquired enough customers and can no longer handle the financial risk, they sell those customers to another provider—most recently, they sold the bulk of their customers to Discount Power. We know this because we were part of that group. When this happens, the new provider will raise your rates significantly at renewal or, in some cases, even sooner.

They are somewhat new, and we understand this isn’t an easy business, but this has become their business model. They seem to struggle with the risk challenges and do not have enough resources to manage those risks, which leads to uncertainty and headaches for customers. 

This is just one of the reasons we no longer promote True Power. See below for all the reasons we no longer promote True Power. 

We Were Fooled—Don’t Let It Happen to You

When we first launched, True Power was one of our favorite providers. However, things have changed. At Texas Electricity Finder, our top priority is ensuring transparency, reliability, and quality service for our customers. Unfortunately, True Power no longer meets those standards. As a result, we have officially ended our partnership with True Power and will no longer promote their electricity plans.

This decision was not made lightly. We were not just a broker partner—we were also True Power customers. After experiencing firsthand the issues that arose and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the situation, we made the choice to discontinue our relationship with True Power. Additionally, we will not be renewing any of their services.

We share this to ensure you have all the facts before choosing an electricity provider. Don’t get caught in the same trap—we’re here to help you make an informed decision.

Why Are We Telling You This?

At Texas Electricity Finder, we’re not affiliated with any providers. We’re an independent electricity broker, and we aim to help you find the best electricity plan and provider for YOU. 

There are a lot of great providers out there, outside of the big ones you see commercials for on TV. Many of these great providers you may have never heard of. These providers typically have better rates than the big-name providers, and they have excellent customer service. Our goal is to partner with these providers and promote their plans we believe could benefit customers the most.

We do not promote all providers, nor do we promote all plans from providers we partner with. And if a provider we do promote falls short and can no longer be a great option for customers, we will end our partnership with them and no longer promote their plans. 

At Texas Electricity Finder, you, the customer, comes first. Our goal is to be your trusted source when it comes to shopping for electricity plans or finding a great provider.  

Why We No Longer Recommend True Power

Poor Risk Management

One of the key factors in being a good electricity provider is the ability to mitigate market risk and manage fluctuating energy prices. Providers need to effectively manage risk to provide stable prices for their customers.

It appears that True Power is struggling to manage their risk and has exceeded their available credit. This has caused them to sell off some of their customers to other providers like Discount Power, an NRG Company. (NRG also owns Reliant, Cirro, and other large electricity providers).

Although providers come and go, the good ones are typically purchased by larger providers rather than transferring customers due to risk management issues. Customers need to have confidence that the provider they choose will be around when their contract expires.

Lack of Communication

A huge issue we encountered was the lack of communication and deteriorating service from True Power.

We received multiple complaints from customers who signed up for a plan but never heard back from True Power. When they called for an update on their enrollment, they were often put on permanent hold or never received a callback. This left customers in a difficult position, stuck in limbo about how to proceed. They were unsure whether they had a plan with True Power or if they should move on, leaving them without clear direction.

True Power Reviews

Apparently, we weren’t the only ones experiencing these issues. True Power’s Google reviews have dropped to 3 stars with 162 reviews. Typically, we take these reviews with a grain of salt, as most happy customers don’t write reviews and many negative ones are often related to billing discrepancies. However, after analyzing their reviews, we found that they align with the issues we’ve been experiencing.

Additionally, True Power, officially “True Commodities, LLC,” now has the worst complaint rating provided by the Public Utility Commission of Texas.

Recent Turmoil in Senior Management

We know that company shakeups can occur when things start to go south and senior people leave or are let go; it happens all the time. When things start to decline for an extended period, they start looking for people to blame, which seems to be the case here. These recent issues have led to turmoil in their office and a reorganization after releasing their CEO.

This type of turmoil in senior management generally causes instability for customers.

In Conclusion

We understand that companies have their struggles and no company is perfect, but True Power’s lack of communication, inability to onboard new customers, and poor risk management are significant issues. They may be understaffed or facing other problems, but customers cannot be left in the dark. Customers need a provider they can count on. 

The bottom line is that True Power has risen to the top of the list as one of the worst providers in terms of communication and risk management that we’ve ever encountered.

Unfortunately, their low prices can’t compensate for the headaches customers have to endure. If you sign with True Power, there is a very good chance they won’t be your provider when your contract expires. True Power has made a habit of selling their customers to other providers each year. 

We do hope that True Power turns things around in the future, but as it stands, we can no longer, in good faith, recommend them as a viable electricity provider in Texas.

Discover Texas-Sized Electricity Savings!

Providers come and go, and eventhought we no longer promote True Power, we still have great providers and great plans avaible. Find your’s today! 

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About True Power

True Power, founded in March of 2021, is a woman-led retail electricity provider for deregulated areas throughout Texas. They provide electricity to homes and businesses through price protection, exceptional service, and a state-of-the-art customer portal. Our customer-centric attitude makes us a premium energy option for people throughout Texas. 

True Power also has a robust in-house sales team that provides solutions and white-glove service to meet the needs of small and large commercial properties alike. Basically, we are a dependable company dedicated to customers based on transparency and trust.


  • Here are some help links from True Power.
  • True Power Account – Login to manage your True Power account. 
  • FAQ – Find answers to some of True Power’s most common questions. 
  • Contact – Got more questions? The True Power support team is here to help. 

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